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dying of anticipation

so, i'm dying here almost literally, alison is ging to send out the sockpalOOOza matches and i've checked my email a dozen times already i'm dying to start. but how can i yet ugh the suspense is killing me. can you tell i'm a first timer. i really ought to be working on my omework but who can write code at a time like this??? oh well i'm off to lunch maybe there will be email waiting for me when i get back. i hope i hope!!!

well i got my match and i'm soooo excited! i'm headed to knitpicks now to order my yarn. woooo hoooo! then off to the grocery to get koolaid this weekend. if i can wait that long. i guess i'll have to as i won't have the yarn yet....geez the suspense is killing me! so much fun!


Anonymous said…
Well ... I'm not the person you're knitting for, but I am the person who is knitting for you! I can't wait to start your socks as well!! Hopefully you've gotten your match by now.
WandaWoman said…
It is fun waiting to get your match. I decided to sit this one out. It was fun last year though. Hope you enjoy the experience!
lesley said…
wow, my sock pal has been to my blog! eeeeee. exciting! i can't wait to see what kind of socks i'll get! i hope she keeps me posted! i don't want to know everything but teaser hints are fun ;)

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