you may well remember that many many moons ago in a far off land called orlando i started... the blanket. no? let me refresh your memory... i knit a garter stitch wash cloth to teach a friend's child to knit... i decided hey that would make a neat blanket. and i knit a bunch of strips in garter. and i hated how it looked seamed up. so i frogged it. and i knit it up in stripes on the knitting machine my mom found for me at a junk sale. in it's most recent incarnation it looked like this and that is how it stayed for over a year. every now and then i would wind in a few ends but there are a lot of ends there. and i didn't want to weave in ends. that is such a waste of time. especially when i'd rather be knitting! well. i guess if you get me bored enough. and you finish all my projects. i can be convinced that old projects need to come to a close! so 24 episodes of dexter later. it is seamed. the ends are woven in. yes i had nightmares after seeing that much gore. but tha...