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Showing posts from February, 2009

erm. yeah.

although the furniture is here, my mental house is vacant. i've been on an emotional roller coaster. i'm knitting to stay sane or what passes as such. eventually there will be photographic proof of said knitting. but for now. you will have to take my word for it. the knit projects links go to ravelry ...go sign up! i'll be getting the blog back in working order in the coming weeks. patience. dave still has so fix my computer. in the meantime a couple of updates. we moved to california in a ridiculously short amount of time (finding a house, a store, packing and driving in 3 weeks) i've spent a lot of time with the family back in texas. visiting with family, taking care of my dad and saying goodbye. settling into our new place and my new store . california rocks by the way. it is beautiful here. i can't wait to get back out and hike some more. my new store is great. i love it too. i have the best manager who has been incerdibly understanding with m...