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Showing posts from October, 2005

not dead

not dead. just sleeping. lots. cause i'm working. too much. and school. makes me crazy. no knitting. just sleeping. and chai. lots of chai. and possible broken ankles. and shoulders out of joint. from slipping. so no knitting. but chai. and sleeping. makes for wierd dreams.
so i snitched this off michele's blog and i had to share and this is fantastic! i actually had blue hair! once upon a time. anyway i had a wierd day and this completely cheered me up. maybe more on the wierd day later i have to decide if its as wierd as i think or if i'm stuck in some surreal head space. anyway. night all Your Hair Should Be Blue Wild, brilliant, and out of control.You're a risk taker with an eye to the future. What's" Your Funky Inner Hair Color?

a thought or six or whatever i can't think anymore.

how many places do you know of where it is expected that you stay up all night, sleep all day, eat in the middle of the night, walk around in the dark without streetlights and are expected to get around with out a flashlight in the woods and this is all considered not only safe but normal??? oh and no one looks where they're going cause they're staring at the sky. oh, and the geekier the jokes the better :)

quick update

well i finished most of what had to get finished. good for me. as for the rest. better luck next time. i am off tomorrow for sunny new mexico. we're supposed to bring sunblock and heavy winter stuff, yeay for altitude. but it should be a great trip. i'll take the camera and maybe you'll understand why i'm so wierd when you see some of the people i associate with on a regular basis... ;) astronomers are a strange bunch. and everybody gets a little loopy up all night in the dark. anywya. i'll be knitting on a pair of socks fr my mom in the car, photos wheni return i promise. take care all.