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knitting updates

ok, now for a knitting update :) i know thats what you really wanted to see. here are the contents of the sockpalOOOza package that goes out in one week. i am so excited! counterclockwise from lower left: there is a sock tote for her to use the next time she knits a pair of socks, the socks, postits. my favorite way to mark patterns, a card telling her all about her socks, a postcard of longs peak to show where i'm from, a birthday card fror her to share with a knitting friend on a special day, and stitch markers.
i love presents!
i can't wait to mail this!

and on to current knitting...
so a few weeks ago i went down to highlands ranch for the Littleton meetup, i went next door to string to do a yarn exchange. thats like free yarn you know. and picked up 7 balls of this

elsabeth lavold sily wool. ooooh. wonderful yarn!
i know, there are only 4 in the photo. thats because my italy cardigain is well under way. 2 balls in i just stared the third and i love love love this yarn it knits beautifully and feels so good. oh, heres the front of the cardigan

and the back

i can't wait to pair this with one of my cute tops that i've purchased for the trip. we leave in less than a month now...yikes i better get knitting. lucky the boulder sNb meets tonight :)

and remember i was also trying to make a bad penny 2 for the trip? well here it is. the left sleeve is waiting to be tubular cast off, and the right hasn't been taken off holders yet. and i think it may be too small. it needas a wash, a block and some serious stretching. i really really realy want to wear this on my trip. but we shall see. mom thinks she gets it if i can't wear it...
i don't know about that :)

and last but certainly not least. you know how it goes. projects you absolutely must finish by a deadline but you just have to cast on for something new...

thats right log cabin socks from handknit holidays, heres my progress so far

perfect bedtime knitting while listening to a story on my ipod. :)


WandaWoman said…
You're all over the place! The cardi is so cute. I love that shade of green for you. I think you will get it finished in time. You just need to get Bad Penny done too. Those socks are very cute too. Good luck with the interview and such.
Lynda said…
You Italy cardi is GORGEOUS! Hmmm, bloglines is not updating you to me... I've missed the last three posts! Catching up now.

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