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Showing posts from October, 2009

sunset at the beach - friday foto

who doesn't love a good sunset?

what do you do

with a beautiful day off? well we went for a "scent"ic drive out to the beach. we being the dog. and me. she loves to stick her nose out the window and smell where we are going. we took a few lonely roads. ok, so maybe like 10 little roads. i make turns at random when i'm not in a hurry. and can you blame me? just check out the view! it really was spectacular. i would love to live out this way! we finally arrived at north beach in point reyes national seashore. they have a few beaches where leashed pets are allowed. i snacked on a quick lunch of tomatoes, figs, raisins, and almonds (from the farmer's market again) then we headed down to the water. my baby is 12 and she's never seen the ocean. i must be a terrible mother or something. she was just staring and staring. she couldn't get enough. after repeatedly chasing and running away from the waves for a half an hour she was content to just sit back and relax on a dune. and then she stood and told me it was ti...

friday foto - pumpkin time

fall is pumpkins and squash, indian corn, and crisp air. i can't wait to head out to the pumpkin patch to pick out ours next weekend :) and as a bonus a funny story for you. when i was little mom used to volunteer at my school. she always helped out when they did hearing and vision tests at the beginning of the school year. she recently told me a funny story about one of those years. she was working with a little girl who just wouldn't speak. mom asked her her name. she wouldn't tell her she tried laughing with her and telling her a story but nothing doing. finally mom asked her what her mother called her at home. to which she replied "puuuunkin." and she didn't say another word the whole time ;) ah you have to love the south :)


and i do mean ever drink coffee at 9 pm. no matter how good it would taste with smores pie. i promise you'll regret it at 2 am. i promise. the good news. although shari's took over the baker's square down the street, there is still free pie on wednesdays. we were skeptical, but the food is still good. even though it took half an hour to pick out dinner since we were unfamiliar with the menu. the bad news. there is free pie on wednesdays.

getting organized

so about a hundred years ago when i was in school i had a handheld computer. it helped me keep track of birthdays, addresses, assignments, and my high score in bejeweled... today it came out of the box in the back of the closet for the first time in i don't know how many years. you see i think i'll be needing to keep track of my bejeweled scores in my new position. no? k, how 'bout this? i think i might need a better calendar than my free hallmark one. in the past it has served me well. until now i was able to write down my schedule and then scribble in schedule changes in those one inch squares. i could happily cross off days until vacation started. i could draw lines through days i couldn't work for some event or another. i could even fit in knitting night notices and the occasional lunch date. alas i think i'll need more space now. there will be actual stuff happening during my days. more stuff than making coffee that is. (i'm kinda panicking here ...